Thursday, March 02, 2006

Next Mood Swing: 6 Minutes

Ah, another blog entry. I know I'm a blog addict, maybe I'm even a blog whor- oh my let us keep this G- rated. Fans of Mickey Mouse may be reading. I am very moody lately and snap at the smallest things. If you don't believe me, email my husband. I'm so moody, that he's been hiding. I'm just joking! I mean, seriously though. Don't you just hate rapid mood swings. You go from laughing, to crying, to eating a bunch of hostess chocolate ho ho's. It could just be the winter blues or it could be the stress that I'm under. Maybe I just need to vent more.

My daughter has ate my last chocolate ho ho. Kyros wants to know if I purchased my comma protection today? He says that he understands comma condoms go on sale today. Oh yes, everyones a comma-median. Go ahead, laugh it up. I'm just having a nervous break down because I'm stressed, out of chocolate and commas are driving me insane.

Next mood swing: 6 minutes.

Rose DesRochers


Shawn DesRochers said...

LOL, I do believe we all have days like these, not to worry though as there is light at the end of the tunnel..

And the chocolate Ho-Ho's you like so much are always available at our local grocer :)

So no worries, be happy now!


Rose DesRochers said...

Then Shawn get to the grocer. LOL

Larry, maybe you could send me a case. Shipping address is on the TW site. I’ll gladly accept donations of Ho Ho’s.

Peri, thank you. Nice to see another Canadian and a friendly one from Dave Barry's blog. Wow!
Thank you again, I appreciate your kidness.

Anonymous said...

Well my friend you are under a lot of stress and I'm here for you.

Anytime you need any help as for the commas hey I forget to use them almost all the time.

So if anyone is in need of a comma and here's a whole case load of chocolate ho ho's from your friendly neighborhood turtle:)


Rose DesRochers said...

Then Shawn get to the grocer. LOL

Peri, thank you. Nice to see another Canadian and a friendly one from Dave Barry's blog. Wow!
Thank you again, I appreciate your kidness.