Thursday, March 02, 2006

I Don't Even Know Your Last Name, but Let's Hook Up!

I’m not sure, but I think courtship is dead. The left over ashes are said to be the power of a changing time. Technology alone has it made it to easy to randomly hook up with someone. What happened to getting to know the person? I've been out of the dating scene for a very long time, but I do remember quite well what dating and the dating scene was like. It was nothing like today's culture. Call me old fashioned, call me what you will, but I believe that a young man should earn a young woman's respect. Be sure to read my latest essay entitled " I Don't Even Know Your Last Name, but Let's Hook Up!: Teen Relationships."

Rose DesRochers


Stephen A. Bess said...

Hello Rose. That was a good article and so true. Yes, the attitude towards dating and courtship is a dying/dead practice. Many men are pretty much out for what they want sexually and women are combating it with the same. Well, many kids mirror the society at large and do the same.
I feel that the old way was better. I love the story of my grandparents and how they courted on Sunday afternoon. I also love the fact that my grandfather had to ask her father for her hand. All of that is important. Besides, it makes a better story. :)

Anonymous said...

I agree with what you are saying my friend, the new hook up dating scheme has taken over the tradition style dating and that's sad.

I grew up with Dad telling me about him and mom's courtship, and my aunt and uncle's courtship stories.

I like the traditional style and wish more younger people, would try and get to know the one they like a lot more too
