Saturday, February 11, 2006

Time to Change - Graphic Blog Headers


As If said...

I love the header, Rose. I guess I should probably take time to make a custom blog header of my own. I love graphic art as much as I love writing. I've just have been having a hard time finding time to fit all of my hobbies into my work-sleep schedule. I don't know how you do it, missy.

Rose DesRochers said...

Faye, I appreciate your comments on my new blog header. It’s great fun for me. I’d like the like the idea of having a random header at the top but will have to think about that.

Paul Stamatiou a tech writer has a great article on designing blog headers. You should design one.

I have been dabbling in Graphic design for a long time now, but you know that as you are a member of invision. I too wish I had more time to play around with it.

I enjoy designing banners the most. I’ve designed a few banners for clients, including New Novelist, Wellness Home and I was just contacted to design a banner for an Avon rep.

I’m still waiting for conformation to exactly what she is looking for. I also have a banner to design for one the Today’s Woman columnists.

Rose DesRochers