Saturday, February 11, 2006

I love Paint Shop Pro

Puzzle of Love

Crumple Paper

All of my graphic design has been trial and error. I recommend PSP for the beginner in graphics design. I taught myself paint shop pro and in my opinion, I find it by far easier to use than Photoshop. Since I don't have a lot of time to play around with it, I get creative whenever I can. Here are my latest creations. Mind you, I was just playing around.

Rose DesRochers


Anonymous said...

Both of these are wonderful love the crumble paper looks so real.

And the puzzle of love for you and Shawn's love is simply beautiful:) you are so very talented my friend ((HUGS))


As If said...

Beautiful designs, Rose. I simply adore the puzzle effect. I have and love using Adobe Photoshop, but I'd really like to try out Paint Shop Pro someday. It looks like a great graphics program.

Rose DesRochers said...

Thank you Steve.
Faye, you should! You try out Paint shop and I'll learn more in Adobe Photoshop. LOL

Wendy C. said...

Rose - I just have to say I am so happy I followed a link from "Paul" to your site - you are indeed an inspiration!

Rose DesRochers said...

Wendy, thanks for stopping by my blog and thank you for your lovely comment.

Rose DesRochers