Tuesday, February 28, 2006

The Challenge of Being a Parent.

I love my children, but being a parent can be so hard! It's not easy, but what in life is? You want the best of everything for your kids. When I decided to have children, I commited myself to them. That includes protecting them from the things that could harm them.

People said it would get easier when the children got older. Guess what, they lied. I'm not sure if I'll make it through the teen years with my sanity intact.

Today I had to make a descision that would affect my daughter's life. I won't get into the details, but I had to do what was best for my daughter. I had second thoughts, because I hated to see her cry. Part of my conscious told me that it was her life. The other part of my conscious told me that this isn’t healthy.

Eventually I had to put my foot down and be Mom. I knew that it would hurt and she might hate me for it. I was willing to accept the consequences. At the same time, I thought that by 18, she might talk to me again.

Then tonight she said something that made me cry. She said, “Mom I don't hate you for what you've done, I thank you for it."

While I know that I need to give her room to make choices and decisions, how do I prevent her from making unhealthy ones that will affect the rest of her life?

I hope that I'm able to help her become the beautiful, independent woman that I know she is capable of becoming.

It's not easy being Mom. I love my children but some days I wish I could go back and be the daughter.

Rose DesRochers


Anonymous said...

Well I know you love your kids so much my friend, and they love you too.

I can only imagine how hard it is sometimes to be a parent, especially during the teenage years.

Your decision was the right one to make my friend, and your daughter knows that and loves you for looking out for her.

You want the best for your children, and they know that and they love you so very much too ((HUGS))


Dionna said...

I know your feelings. Sometimes we just have to pray our way through parenting!

Stephen A. Bess said...

I married a woman with a teenager. I recently had to 'step-dad' in the worse way. This really upset me because I thought that this would mess up our relationship that seem to be going so well. She didn't speak to me for a couple of days, but she soon came around and things went back to normal. Yesterday, she even called me 'papa.' :)
I hope that things don't go sour with you and your daughter, but they are going to be children and we definitely have to be parents. Always a pleasure. Take care.

June Perkins said...

I can relate to this one Rose. Been going through a lot of this lately.

Good on you Mum!