Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Prayers Needed

My dear friend Debra Faulconer Baker has spent her life always thinking about other people. She is truly a beautiful and remarkable woman. In October of 2004, Debra was faced with something that changed her life and it has made many of us at Today's Woman Writing Community, realize just how precious life is. Debra was diagnosed with cancer in 2004. Today, two years later, Debra is now bedridden and fighting for her life.

Please remember Debra and her family in your prayers.

Rose DesRochers


Anonymous said...

Yes Debra is a great person and I pray for her and her family every day and night God will watch over them too ((HUGS))


Phil said...

Hi Rose,
She will be in my thoughts and prayers. Aside from me having a serious and funny side, I also have a cancer side. This is another blog I have. Follow my profile link.