Thursday, September 28, 2006

Rose DesRochers - Bizarre News

Home of the strangest, the most humorous, bizarre, extreme, weird, and off-beat news stories. News from top news sources, updated throughout the day. Start your day the Bizarre way!

Rose DesRochers


Anonymous said...

Rose, I just saw your comment on my site. I'm afraid that I don't edit it much.
Your bizarre news is something I am going to have to bookmark. It is the kind of stuff that is right up my alley!
I envy you; I have always wanted to be a writer, yet never seemed to have to talent to come up with a good yarn.
Truv (and, of course, Skeeter Starling and Sparky Sparrow)

Rose DesRochers said...

Thank you for dropping by my blog and feel free to visit and anytime. I love birds, so your blog was a joy to visit.:)